
















MINUTES of the meeting of the London Planning & Development Forum on Zoom

on Tuesday 13th December 2022

MINUTES as published in PiL124 [THREE SECTIONS]

Place-making and essential kerbside deliveries, .PDF

Biodiversity Net Gain .PDF

& planning reform .PDF



MINUTES of the meeting of the London Planning & Development Forum on Zoom

12th September 2022

MINUTES as published in PiL123

Population projections, revised NPPF, impact of inflation and embodied carbon



MINUTES of the meeting of the Forum meeting on 6 June 2022 hosted by UCL

MINUTES as published in PiL122

Embodied carbon, levelling up, street votes and the Cambridge-MK-Oxford Arc



MINUTES of the joint meeting of the London Planning & Development Forum hosted by Dentons

8th March 2022 jointly with Cambridge University Land Society and the ACA

MINUTES as published in PiL121



MINUTES of the meeting of the London Planning & Development Forum

Monday 29th November 2021 at 2.30pm on Zoom

MINUTES as published in PiL120


MINUTES of the meeting of the London Planning & Development Forum

MONDAY 13TH SEPTEMBER 2021 2.30pm on Zoom

MINUTES as published in PiL119


MINUTES of the meeting of the London Planning & Development Forum

MONDAY 14TH JUNE 2021 2.30pm on Zoom

MINUTES as published in PiL118


MINUTES of the meeting of the London Planning & Development Forum

MONDAY 1ST MARCH 2021 2.30pm on Zoom

MINUTES as published in PiL117


MINUTES of the meeting of the London Planning & Development Forum

on 2nd December 2020 on Zoom with Cambridge University Land Society, the ACA and sponsored by Dentons and Bath Publishing

MINUTES as published in PiL116


MINUTES of the meeting of the London Planning & Development Forum

on 7th September 2020 on Zoom

MINUTES as published in PiL115


MINUTES of the meeting of the London Planning & Development Forum

on 1st June 2020 on Zoom

MINUTES as published in PiL114


MINUTES of the meeting of the London Planning & Development Forum

on March 2020 on Zoom

MINUTES as published in PiL113



MINUTES of the meeting of the London Planning & Development Forum on 3rd December 2019 at Town & Country Planning Association

MINUTES as published in PiL112


MINUTES of the meeting of the London Planning & Development Forum on 23 September at HTA Design

MINUTES as published in PiL111


MINUTES of the meeting of the London Planning & Development Forum on 3rd June at Rockwell Property

Jonathan Manns our host

MINUTES as published in PiL110


MINUTES of the meeting of the London Planning & Development Forum on 19th March 2019 jointly with Cambridge University Land Society at Dentons

Roy Pinnock our host

MINUTES as published in PiL109



MINUTES of the meeting of the London Planning & Development Forum on 11th December 2018 at Rockwell Property,
23 King Street, St James SW1

Jonathan Manns was our host

MINUTES as published in PiL108


MINUTES of the meeting of the London Planning & Development Forum
on Monday 17th September at 2.30 in the Jevons Room at UCL - 2nd floor of Central House, 14 Upper Woburn Place, WC1H 0NN

MINUTES as published in PiL107


Monday 4th June at London Councils

Our host: Serena Perry

Minutes [as published in PiL 106]


MEETING on 20th March 2018 at Dentons

annual joint event with National Planning Forum and Cambridge University Land Society and Association of Consultant Architects

Our host: Roy Pinnock & sponsored by Dentons

Planning in an age of uncertainty

Minutes [as published in PiL 105




2.30-5.30pm at HTA Design, 78 chamber Street E1 8BL

Our host: Riette Oosterhuizen

Topics to include the Mayor’s Strategy and the emerging London Plan

Minutes [as published in PiL 104

Full minutes



2.30-5.30pm at University College London

Hosts: Michael Edwards & Jessica Fern

Full minutes [as published in PiL 103


Held at Gordon Dadds on 12th July, our host: Adrian Bingham

Full minutes [as published in PiL 102]


Held at Dentons on 4th April, our host: Roy Pinnock
Joint with National Planning Forum and Cambridge University Land Society + Assn of Consultant Architects

Full minutes [as published in PiL 101]


Held at Colliers on 6th December, our host: Jonathan Manns

Full minutes [as part-published in PiL 100

[full minutes in Word]


Held at UCL on 14th September, our host: Michael Edwards

Full minutes [as part-published in PiL 99

[full minutes in Word]


Held at City Hall on 13 June 2016

Full minutes [as part-published in PiL 97

[full minutes in Word]



Held at Westminster University

on 21 March 2016

Full minutes [as part-published in PiL 97

[full minutes in Word]



Held at Colliers International

on 7th December 2015

Full minutes [as part-published in PiL 96] Word




Held at City Hall

on 9th September 2015

Full minutes [as part-published in PiL 95] Word




Held at the UCL

on 29th June 2015

Full minutes [as part-published in PiL 94] [.PDF]


Held at the University of Westminster

on 26th March 2015

Full minutes [as part-published in PiL 93]


Held at the British Property Federation

on 11th December 2014

Full minutes [as part-published in PiL 92]


Held at the RICS

on Monday 8th September

Full minutes [as part-published in PiL 91

Download presentations by Dan Lewis

Marnix Elsenaar


Held at Colliers International

on Monday 9th June 2014

Full minutes [as part-published in PiL 90


Held at the GLA

on Monday 10th March 2014

Full minutes [as part-published in PiL 89]



Held at Port of London Authority

on Monday 9th December 2013

Full minutes [as published in PiL 88]


Held at RIBA London

on Monday 10th June 2013

Full minutes [as published in PiL 87]


Held at Colliers International

on Monday 10th June 2013

Full minutes [as published in PiL 86]


Held at City Hall courtesy the GLA

on Monday 4th March 2013

Full minutes [as published in PiL 85]


Held at the TCPA, 17 Carlton House Terrace SW1

on Monday 10th December 2012 at 2.30pm

ILLUSTRATED MINUTES (click to download .pdf file)


LPDF at the RIBA on 10th September 2012

Growth outside London and Garden cities and Suburbs;
The impact of the NPPF on London boroughs

ILLUSTRATED MINUTES (click to download .pdf file)

LPDF at the University of Westminster on Wednesday 13th June 2012

Early workings of CIL at Wandsworth introduced by Cllr Nick Cuff and
NPPF implications for London: Jennifer Peters of GLA.

MINUTES (click to download .pdf file)

20th March at GLA City Hall

MINUTES (click to download .pdf file)

Discussion led by Lee Mallett: “Planning in the UK has Ossified into Development Control.”
Topic 2 "Departments to Apartments". Case Studies on the Proposed UCO change. Led by Nicola Furlonger of Nathaniel Lichfield and Partners and Arita Morris of Child Graddon Lewis.

Monday 12th December 2011 at 12 George Street SW1 – Hosts: RICS

• The National Planning Policy Framework and its interaction with the London Plan
• The impact of Use Classes Order changes for London
MINUTES (click to download .doc file)


Monday 5th September 2011

Meeting at Urban Design London at Palestra, 197 Blackfriars Road, Southwark, London SE1 8NJ. Our Host: Esther Kurland UDL’s Director.

Discussion Topics:
1. Draft National Planning Policy Framework and impact assessment. Stephen Webb.
2. London Plan July 2011. John Lett.

MINUTES (click to download .doc file)


Monday 6th June 2.30pm
at TCPA 17 Carlton House Terrace SW1

The role of businesses in neighbourhood planning and
London's green infrastructure.

MINUTES (click to download .doc file)

MINUTES (click to download illustrated .pdf file)

Monday 7th March 2.30pm
at RICS, 12 Great George Street SW1P 3AD

Our Host Jo Shockley Head of Policy and Communications RICS South.

Discussion Topic: London’s Infrastructure


Monday 6th December 2.30pm
at RIBA London, 77 Portland Place W1

Discussion Items:
The Localism Bill, the Comprehensive Spending Review effects and a resumé of the London Plan EIP.
Download as a Word .doc


at GLA City Hall The Queen's Walk, London on Monday 13th September 2010
Discussion Topics
Topic 1 The way forward for development in London in view of the changing planning landscape including an Assessment of Replacement London Plan EIP half way through.
Topic 2. Mediation in planning - Mike Hayes, Secretary of the National Planning Forum.
Topic 3 'Improving the Connection'- Mike Hayes and Geoff Wilkinson introduced this report on planning and building control.
Download as a Word .doc


Meeting at the new British Property Federation offices on Monday 21st June

What's for London under the new Government?
Download as a Word .doc


At the Government office for London on
Monday 15th March 2010

Prospects for Planning and Development in London after the Election. Discussion introduced by Michael Edwards (UCL), Dermot Finch Chief Executive Centre for Cities and Peter Eversden (London Forum) and a partner from Denton Wilde Sapte.  
download as Word file

Minutes of the Meeting of the Forum held on Monday 7th December 2009 at RICS: Discussion Topics
The Consultation Draft Replacement London Plan. A presentation by GLA’s John Lett. Associated with The Mayor’s Transport Strategy. An Overview by Daniel Alston - Programme Manager from TfL.

Discussion Topic 2. “Fit for Purpose Spatial Planning”. Kay Powell, National Planning Forum.

download as Word file

Debate on the Draft Replacement London Plan
Extract from the minutes of the Meeting of the Forum held on 14th September 2009 at the GLA by Drummond Robson.

download as Word file

Monday 15th June 2009 at UCL: The Bartlett School of Architecture and Planning

Discussion topics:
Crossrail Development Opportunities:led by Keith Berryman of Crossrail, James Skinner of the Mayor’s Office, and Richard Linton GLA.

Review of Outer London’s Spatial Economy:led by Michael Edwards, Amer Hermis, Drummond Robson with input from Martin Simmons
download as Word file
download pdf file of full report in PiL 70


Minutes of the Meeting of the Forum held on Thursday 5th March 2009 between 2.30 and 5.30pm at the Government Office for London, Riverwalk House, SW1P 4RR. Our host was Chris Poulton

Discussion Topic

Outer London Commission

The Forum welcomed John Lett from GLA’s London Plan Team for a second time in succession to present the mayor’s proposals for an Outer London Commission. Peter Eversden who has been appointed a commissioner also spoke on the later parts of the presentation.

Most of the slides are available at

as is Outer London Commission meeting 1 item 8 paper  which supplements the presentation, together with terms of reference and membership details as well as Amer Hermis’ open letter to Will McKee, the Commission Chairman. The material draws heavily on existing London Plan information.


Minutes of the Meeting of the Forum held on Thursday 11th December 2008 between 2.30 and 5.30

at The President's Suite, The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, 12 Great George Street, London SW1. Our hosts were Tim Wacher and Trevor Hines.

Attendance: Brian Waters: Chairman, Alastair Gaskin: Reagh Consulting, Honorary Treasurer; Andy Rogers: Association of Consultant Architects; Brian Salmon: The Berkeley Group PLC; Duncan Bowie: London Metropolitan University; John Lett: GLA; Kay Powell: National Planning Forum; Michael Bach: London Forum; Michael Edwards: UCL; Peter Eversden: London Forum; Ron Heath: RIBA Urbanism and Planning Group; Taina Peltonen: Steer Davies Gleave; Tim Wacher: RICS; Tony Thompson: CLG representing Killian Pretty Review; Drummond Robson: Honorary Secretary and Robson Planning

Introductions and Apologies. Apologies were received from Bob Dolata, Gideon Amos, Judith Ryser, Marisa Burnal, Ruth Bradshaw and Tom Ball.

Discussion Topics (introductory excerpts here only)

Engagement Strategy for Development Related Travel Plans.

Taina Peltonen for Steer Davies Gleave introduced the item. The GLA has introduced parallel two documents: guidance for Workplace Travel Planning for Development and Guidance for Residential Travel Planning in London. The guidance documents can be found on the TfL website:

  • Whither the London Plan? John Lett.

John Lett provided an GLA officer view of the way in which the London Plan is being considered by under the new policy regime, with particular reference to housing. It is expected that the London Plan will be revised according to a timetable starting early in 2009, the plan period would be to 2031.

The Chairman suggested that the suggested Annual Planning Conference, which was supported but had not as yet been acted on could be linked to a Forum and New London Architect event in the Spring.

Immediate issues will be alterations to reflect the financial commitment to Crossrail and s.106 agreement changes to the SPG (as proposed by JLL Consultants) associated with the proposed CIL arrangements (assuming London Borough skills and resources issues can be resolved). It is intended to introduce a levy at a £20/sq ft rate to contribute to Crossrail from 2011, with the aim that this will provide £300m “over the term”.

  • The DCLG Killian Pretty Report and the DCLG review of the planning application process.

The review is concerned with a faster and more responsive system for planning applications. It was commissioned by CLG and BURR. It concentrates on applications, not the whole planning process. TT supported his presentation with slides. Engaging with stakeholders should be fair, proportionate and transparent.

Key themes:







Minutes of the Meeting of the Forum held on Thursday 11th September 2008 between 2.30 and 5.30

at the City of Westminster Archives Centre, 10 St Ann's Street, London, SW1P 2DE. Our host was Mark Southgate.

Attendance: Brian Waters: Chairman, Alastair Gaskin: Reagh Consulting, Honorary Treasurer, Andy Rogers: Association of Consultant Architects, Brian Salmon: The Berkeley Group PLC, Charlotte Amor: Environment Agency, Lynda Addison: Addison and Associates, Mark Southgate: Environment Agency, Michael Schabas: Michael Schabas, Nusrat Gilani: London Civic Forum,, Patrick Sullivan: HTA Architects, Peter Eversden: London Forum, Peter Vardigants: Vista Capital Limited, Ron Heath: RIBA Urbanism and Planning Group, Satwant Pryce: L.B. Waltham Forest, Tim Wacher: RICS, Tom Ball: London Forum, Tuan Nguyen: Landscape Institute London Group, Drummond Robson: Honorary Secretary and Robson Planning

Introductions and Apologies.
The Chairman thanked Mark Southgate as host and wished him every success in his forthcoming new post as Director of Casework at The Planning Inspectorate. Charlotte Amor was welcomed as replacing Zoë Cooper who has returned to New Zealand. The following sent apologies: Brian Whiteley: LB Waltham Forest, Duncan Bowie: London Metropolitan University, George Stowell: RIBA, Michael Coupe: London Society and Coupe Planning, Kay Powell: National Planning and Development Forum, Pat Thomas: Planning Lawyer, Riette Oosterhuizen, HTA.

  • Discussion Topic 1 The CLG review of planning applications (Brian Waters).

Brian Waters explained that Graham Davis – in charge of the 1APP/Validations review at CLG said there would be a quick review of the operation of the new application procedures, which did not suggest the time needed for reappraisal that is really required. A small group had been appointed to consider the issues consisting or 2 Civil servants and Consulatants Addison and Associates, Arups and Tony Thompson representing the Killian Pretty Review appointed by three Secretaries of State.


Minutes of the Meeting of the Forum held on Monday 10th March 2008 between 2.30 and 5.30

at RIBA London, at 77 (not 66) Portland Place for the afternoon of Tuesday 10th June 2008 between 2.30 and 5.30pm. Our host was Miranda Houston.

  • Discussion Topic: London plan policies and their effects under Mayor Boris Johnson.

    Download full minutes as .Word file here

    ATTENDANCE: Brian Waters: Chairman, Alastair Gaskin: Reagh Consulting, Honorary Treasurer, Alex Ferris: LASE (Now Landscape Institute London), Andrew Martin: Andrew Martin Associates, Brian Salmon: The Berkeley Group PLC, Brian Whiteley: RTPI and L. B. Waltham Forest, David Eversden: London Forum, David Lewis: London Forum, Duncan Bowie: London Metropolitan University, Esther Kurland: Urban Design London, Giles Dolphin: GLAGraham Saunders: English Heritage, Jack Hayes: Environment Agency, Lee Mallett: Regeneration and Communication, Michael Bach: London Forum, Michael Coupe: London Society and Coupe Planning, Neil Wilson: RIBA London LUPG, Ron Heath: RIBA Urbanism and Planning Group, Stephen Gleave: Taylor Young – Planning + Architecture, Tim Wacher: RICS, Tom Ball: London Forum, Drummond Robson: Honorary Secretary and Robson Planning

Minutes of the Meeting of the Forum held on Monday 10th March 2008 between 2.30 and 5.30

at Greater London Authority, City Hall, The Queen’s Walk, More London, SE1 2AA. Our host was Giles Dolphin

Download full illustrated minutes as .Word file here

Attendance:             Brian Waters: Chairman  Andrew Rogers: Association of Consultant Architects, Bob Dolata: L.B.Hackney, Brian Whiteley: RTPI and L. B. Waltham Forest,  Duncan Bowie : London Metropolitan University, Michael Coupe: London Society and Coupe Planning,  Michael Chang: TCPA, Michael Kiely: ALBPO and L.B. Tower Hamlet, Neil Wilson: RIBA London LUPG, Riette Oosthuizen: Head of Planning HTA, Roger Chapman: GOL,   Ron Heath: RIBA Urbanism and Planning Group, Tim Wacher: RICS, Tom Ball: London Forum, Drummond Robson: Honorary Secretary and Robson Plannin
Introductions and Apologies.

The Chairman thanked Giles Dolphin for resolving conference room facilities at short notice to enable proceedings to take place. Apologies were received from Alastair Gaskin: Reagh Consulting, Judith Ryser: Isocarp/UGb/Cityscope Europe, Kay Powell: National Planning Forum, Leonora Rozee: Planning Inspectorate, Zoë Cooper: Environment Agency.

2.Discussion Topic 1. Validation of Applications Guidance to Local Planning Authorities due to be introduced through secondary legislation on 6th April 2008, as well as the proposed new application form APP1. (In practice this topic followed the second Discussion Topic).

This item was Introduced by Mike Kiely of Tower Hamlets ALBPO Chair of the Implementation Committee and representative of the Development Managers’ Group. “Local planning authorities will be required to allow applications on the Standard Application Form from 6th April 2008 when its use will become mandatory. However, until 6th May 2008 local planning authorities will accept applications both on the Standard Application Form and on their own forms” Communities and Local Government Circular 02/2008. MK said that the form will be all things to all people, whether you are applying for a new use as a Pizzeria, a rural scheme, minerals or Terminal 5 it is the same form. He considered the form to be too long. It may be completed on line (Although as it was pointed out this aspiration may be frustrated by the inability of public bodies to handle plans electronically and so could be self defeating). In paper form it is “a nonsense” since it must cover up to 26 variations even if not all have to be answered. It is introduced by The Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (Amendment) (England) Order 2008 which was published in February.

The situation is likely, said MK, to result in greater transaction costs and applications may be technically validated but with key bits missing. It requires a fundamental review even before it is introduced! Only two things are really required:

1. An expanded form of the Design and Access Statement to include proper planning analysis (This could be as a Planning, Design and Access Statement which is often what in practice is produced. - DR).

2.The other document should be an impact assessment which can cover the matters which are clearly relevant to a particular case. The 1APP arrangement does not provide a clear message and runs the risk of Judicial Review. It should be kept simple and clear.

Brian Waters opened discussion by confirming that this was a clear case of both applicants and Councils saying the same thing – that the objective is to simplify planning, whereas this will further complicate it. The impact will be uneven.

This is accretional tinkering with the system. What is needed is to be much braver to provide a different consent regime based on a single development application, supported by the necessary changes to legislation and policy material.

(Cf  Design and Consents Review

Michael Coupe added furthermore that a bill is proposed for the Spring to unify the differently worded ownership requirements of local authority applications and those proposed by the State.

Graham Davis (CLG) had insisted that there should be 2 lists – a national list and a closed local list (as opposed to a local - open ended - supplement).

DR reminded the Forum of the principles of validation as set out in the legislation, now slightly amended, which for validation only requires sufficient to describe the scheme, leaving other material to be supplied once the clock has stared ticking. This fundamental is almost universally ignored by planning authorities and needs to be revived to avoid excessive unjustified demands on applicants.

Brian Waters and Mike Kiely agreed that representations should be made to the Department about the unrealism of the adopted regime now to be introduced and to urge that it be deferred to avoid further delay to the administration of applications and their determination.*


3. Discussion Topic 2Review of delivery of the Mayor's strategic planning policies for housing. This item was introduced by Duncan Bowie, Reader in Urban Planning and Regeneration at London Metropolitan University.

The illustrated talk was entitled Housing Targets and Outputs in London. DB was concerned about the basis of the GLA’s formally adopted density matrix with excessive emphasis on maximising output based on demand rather than need. This is now revised in the recently altered  London Plan.




Download full illustrated minutes here as .doc file

AGENDA: Discussion topics:
• Review of Government Planning taking account of Kate Barker Barker's Review of Land Use Planning and Householder Development Consents Review which focuses on the link between planning and economic growth. Speakers to be agreed. (Tony Thompson of DCLG invited).

• The Economics of Climate Change. Sir Nicholas Stern’s Review, (also commissioned by the Treasury) is looking at the medium to long term economic implications of climate change and assesses approaches to tackle the issue. It is due to be issued before the meeting.
1. Introductions and Apologies; New Membership.

The Chairman thanked Miranda Housden and RIBA for arranging and hosting the event. Apologies were received from Sebastian Catovsky, who nevertheless sent his presentation and speaking notes, Alastair Gaskin, Bob Dolata, Gideon Amos, Michael Bach, Michael Edwards, and Stephen Robinson RICS. Tim Wacher explained that this was his last formal meeting as RICS representative and that Michael Edwards would attend in this capacity in future. The Chairman and meeting thanked Tim as a long standing contributor to the Forum and hoped that he would continue to attend anyway, which Tim accepted. The Chairman also said that Michael Edwards was an academic representative of RICS who also attended representing UCL so that he hoped RICS could also offer attendance from a practitioner, which Tim agreed to pursue. Martin Simmons said that Deborah Ganley: London Councils had asked to attend future meetings.

Adam Cook, Chair of Landscape Architecture SE(LASE) described the growing relationship of interrelationships between landscape and the built environment and said his membership was increasingly aware of the need to develop links with planning. At the end of the meeting having heard the discussion he and the Forum were glad to welcome LASE as a new member. The two discussion topics were taken in reverse order.

2. Discussion Topic The Economics of Climate Change.

The Chairman explained that Dr. Sebastian Catovsky, a member of the Stern Review Group, had had to withdraw at the last minute but had sent his presentation which was displayed to the meeting for the quietest session in the Forum’s history while the arguments were read by those attending.

What is the purpose of our Review? It is about the economics of climate change, taking the science as the starting point.

Climate change is an externality with a difference:

  • Global
  •  Long-term
  •  Uncertain
  •  Potentially large and irreversible

The economics is driven by the science. Science tells us that effects of green house gas emissions generate damage (an externality) which is global, long-term, uncertain and potentially very large. This is market failure on greatest scale the world has seen.

Part 1 of the Review sets out the foundations of the economics and the science.

Stabilisation and Commitment to Warming..... continues with illustrations: download Word file.


Previous minutes:

intro follows. Download full illustrated minutes here as .pdf file

1. Introductions and Apologies

The Chairman invited those present to introduce themselves.  He thanked Esther Kurland on behalf of CABE for hosting the event and agreeing to speak. The Chairman also said that Nigel Pallace, who had provided valuable contributions to Forum debates was now promoted to a new job. He has passd on the Forum’s good wishes and thanks. Bob Dolata from Hackney  currently represents ALBPO at the meeting. Apologies were received from Gideon Amos (TCPA), Alan Byrne (EH), Pat Thomas (Planning Lawyer), Brian Whiteley on behalf of RTPI RAC and Martin Simmons acting on behalf of  ALG. (Two others from ALG - Deborah Ganley and Damian Price expressed interest in attending).   

2. Discussion Topic 1:  Design and access statements: How to write them and how to read them – presentation of CABE guidance by Esther Kurland followed by discussion.

Folowing the Chairman’s welcome Esther Kurland from CABE Urban Design London, currently on secondment to TfL who gave a presentation “How to write Urban Design Statements” based on material to be found on the CABE website at useful associated websites are Urban Design London and Urban Design reading List for Councillors

The determining source for Design Statements is Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (Amendment) (England) Order 2006.The talk covered the relationship between Design and Planning and sought to answer

What are statements, Reading tips, Writing tips and A made up statement

EK quoted Lord Rooker, Planning Minister, House of Lords, Jan 04 ‘If we deliver poor design, we know that we will not deliver sustainable development’ and ‘All involved in planning must workto achieve sustainable development’  derived from the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. This Act sets the processes and procedures for Planning.  It is the PPSs and PPGs that set the policy content and direction. General points, in summary they say:

  • Design Matters
  • Design cuts across planning policy areas
  • Design is about how places work
  • Impossible to separate planning and design

Key PPS1 policy tests:

  • Refuse designs that don’t take advantage of opportunities for improvement - positively make places better for people.
  • This should be the aim of all involved.
  • LPAs should have robust, positive design policies based on local character and objectives.
  • Have regard to ‘By Design’ (CABE. 2000)

Good Design should:

  • Address the connections between people, places and access to jobs and services
  • Integrate development into the existing natural and built environment and reinforce local distinctiveness
  • Be an important part of providing successful, safe and inclusive places
  • Create places everyone can use and enjoy
  • Consider impacts on the natural environment

The appraiser should ask “is the design good enough to approve?” rather than “is it bad enough to refuse?”

The Good, the Bad, the OK?

  • PPG1 said refuse bad design
  • CABE’s 2004 Housing Audits found 61% of new homes in the South East were mediocre and 17% were good
  • The 2005 Audit showed that 70% of homes in the North were mediocre and only 6% were good
  • Now PPS1 is saying only approve good design
  • What will the audit in 5 years find? Design at a Glance Gives up to date information on national design policy This doc is available from Cabe.

Principles of Good Design

  • Character: should have its own identity
  • Continuity and enclosure: public and private should be clearly distinguished
  • Quality of public spaces: should have attractive and successful outdoor areas
  • Ease of movement: easy for everyone to get to and move through
  • Legibility: has a clear image and be easy to understand
  • Adaptability: able to change easily
  • Diversity: values difference
  • Inclusivity: for everyone, without special treatment


Previous minutes [scroll down...]


Attendance: Brian Waters - Chairman

Alan Byrne: English Heritage

Alastair Gaskin: Reah Consulting Ltd

Andrew Rogers: Association of Consultant Architects

Bob Dolata: L.B. Hackney

Bruno Moore: Audit Commission

Debbie McMullen: GLA

Joanne Fox: Planning Aid for London

Judith Ryser:

Lee Mallett: Regeneration and Communication/PiL

Martin Simmons: for ALG

Meeta Kaur: S.J.Berwin

Michael Bach: London Forum

Michael Edwards: UCL

Peter Eversden: London Forum

Sir Peter Hall: UCL

Suzanne McGuire: UCL

Tim Wacher: RICS

Tom Ball: London Forum

Stephan von Roon: UCL/Tishman Speyer

  Nikos Karadimitriou: UCL

Jales Tippell: for Planning Officers Society

Oliver Pohlisch (Swiss Planner)

Angelus Eisinger (Swiss Planner)

Andre Bideau (Swiss Planner)

1. Introductions and Apologies

The Chairman welcomed the speakers including Bruno Moore, Sir Peter Hall, Michael Edwards and Martin Simmons, thanked UCL as hosts and invited representatives to introduce themselves. Apologies were received from Nicky Gavron (Deputy Mayor) who is abroad, Giles Dolphin (GLA), John Lett (GLA), Kay Powell (National Planning and Development Forum), Leonora Rozee (Planning Inspectorate), Roger Chapman (GOL) and Pat Thomas who is shortly to leave S.J.Berwin but wishes to continue to attend.

The Forum learned with sadness of the death of Geoff Marsh.

Download full [extensive] minutes here as a Word .doc. Also see feature in October PiL No. 59



MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 14 March 2006 at City Hall. For Drummond Robson's full and extensive minute please download the .pdf


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Planning in London is the journal of the London Planning & Development Forum. Published quarterly since 1992, it is only available on subscription. Like the Forum, it aims to publish the viewpoints and interests of the private and the government sectors involved with development and planning in London.

PlanningInLondon © 2009. All Rights Reserved Website Design by Stephen Jakub