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pil70 contents
5 LEADERS Turn again, Whittington, Creatives count in the capital .pdf
6 CONFERENCE REPORT London still confident about its future, despite recession .pdf
9 LONDON FIRST Judith Salomon, Mind the gap!, Delivering new homes, Flights of fancy?
12 VIEWS MANAGEMENT Tighter views restrict development – Montagu Evans and GMJ, Looking at London: The problem with the LVMF… Alan Davidson .pdf
16 BRIEFING A twenty-first century appeals system….?, Planning performance: Applications down 30 per cent .pdf
19 INTERVIEW What developers want from Westminster: Lee Mallett interviews Robert Noel
21 LONDON PLAN REVIEW Does Boris’ capital recipe need clearer instructions? – JLL's Blythe Dunk, Where should the London Plan go now? – Duncan Bowie, Green recovery in outer London – Dr Nicholas Falk .pdf
28 LONDON PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT FORUM Whither Crossrail?, The Suburbs/Outer London .pdf
31 LONDON'S ECONOMY Getting London back on track – Judith Ryser .pdf
34 ROAD PRICING Ian McCulloch of Bircham Dyson Bell – Road pricing: what’s new? .pdf
36 LONDON FESTIVAL OF ARCHITECTURE London – the welcoming city, 2010 – Peter Murray .pdf
39 CROSSRAIL Are Crossrail contributions legitimate? – Hannah Baker of Indigo .pdf
41 LOCAL DEVELOPMENT ORDERS Lee Searles of Entec offers A new focus on Local Development Orders
44 OUTER LONDON Outer London and London beyond London – Drummond Robson .pdf
49 BOOKS Networking – work your contacts to supercharge your career by Nicolas King .pdf
50 LAW A planning win for British tennis! – Meyric Lewis, Barrister, Francis Taylor Building
52 URBAN DESIGN Capacitycheck – a useful urban design tool – Julia Smachylo .pdf
55 LONDON PLANNING DIRECTORY Planning & environment reference guide .pdf
58 Subscription form
59 Advice
(* .pdf these items may be downloaded as .pdf files)