WHAT'S IN the October-December 2007 issue 63
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PiL 63 contents:
4 FRONTISPIECE The ARt of urbanism: Paul Finch
R.I.P. UDP, London’s changing face, Carbon confusion, Sustainability and the green belt: a contradiction in terms? Validation of planning applications, Pressure for housing unsustainable
11 LONDON FIRST Judith Salomon; The landbanking myth, When is congestion not congestion?
14 DIARY and next Forum meeting
Planning Applications April – June 2007, How quickly will I get a decision on my appeal?
Housing green paper, Planning white paper and more.
21 Peter Hall: London Voices, 1957-2007...pdf
– from family and kinship to London lives
24 DLR flying high Richard de Cani, DLR Head of Development and Planning
25 From retailer to regenerator Patrick Stones is property director of Tesco PLC.
28 Branding brings a place to life Sicco van Gelder of Placebrands Ltd and Hugh Roberts of Colin Buchanan
31 Design and planning appeals Ben Linscott of the Planning Inspectorate....pdf
33 Living at Superdensity Ben Derbyshire, practice director at HTA....pdf
36 How does design fit within planning?
Esther Kurland, director of Urban Design London....pdf
39 Barcelona – London 2012 Judith Ryser, director of Cityscope Europe
41 Learning from German planning Dr Oliver Marc Hartwich, Chief Economist at Policy Exchange
43 Streets and successful neighbourhoods Louise Duggan is streets advisor at CABE
45 Public space and the risk society Robert Dalziel and Chris Skelcher, Institute of Local Government Studies. Sarah Damery and Judith Petts, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham.
47 Sir John Soane and London by Ptolemy Dean Reviewed by Brian Waters....pdf
48 Hounslow Heath Brian Waters is Director of Planning at HTA and edits Planning in London....pdf
54 Designing in Sustainability Samantha Heath, director of the London Sustainability Exchange
56 The urgent need for living roofs in London Liam Foster, senior hydrologist with Hyder Consulting....pdf
60 Homes for empty nesters Carol Barac is manager of the Elderflowers Projects Company
55 LONDON PLANNING DIRECTORY 63 Planning and Environment reference guide ...pdf
66 Subscription form 67 Advice directory ...pdf
(*these items may be downloaded as .pdf files