WHAT'S IN the October/December 2002 issue of PLANNING IN LONDON, issue 43
2 OPINION Dump the status quo; Devilish detail.
3 NEWS Flexibility the key to Kings Cross; letter; Clipboard.
4-5 BRIEFING Planning performance by London boroughs; Planning applications April to June 2002; Government Office publications and pipeline; Diary;Thameslink 2000 Ôcan be delivered 'PILLO! Next LP&DF meeting.
6-8 London First Guest feature: Local tax reinvestment.
9-14 THE DRAFT LONDON PLAN Two critiques: Judith Ryser and Drummond Robson.
14 RICS residential forecast
15-16 LP&DF: draft London Plan
17 Paving the Way Alan Baxter AssociatesÕ report for CABE.
18-22 Tall buildings and sustainability Dame Judith Mayhew.
23-24 The New west End Co. Helen Robinson OBE on London's first BID. 25-27 Is the urban renaissance happening? Patrick Hammil asks.
29-30 Cutting through bureaucracy RICS Nigel Smith.
31-2 Light rail success DLRÕs general manager Howard Smith.
33-35 Congestion charging The Edinburgh plan: Alex Macaulay.
36-37 80% of life Philip Connolly on walking.
38-39 Scale of housing shortage Philip Prof. Christine Whitehead of the LSE.
40-41 Density LHFÕs Laura Hare
42-44 Design quality in housing George Gardner of TM2 & John Calcutt of Crest
45-46 Shared ownership Mark Lupton & Sue Regan.
47 Commercial impact of affordable housing ATIS REAL Weatheralls.
48-50 Environmental impact screening GLAÕs Christine McGoldrick.
51-53 Sustainability of the London Plan Clive Harridge of Entec. 4-55 Housing capacity measurement David Rudlin of URBED.
56 Book: Planning Law Les Robinson DIRECTORY OF LONDON PLANNING
56 Index of profiles previously published
57 Internet Guide to planning authorities
58 Quick guide to London authorities
59 Planning Advice